Welcome to my webpage. I am an Associate Research Scientist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and Princeton University, where I specialize in theoretical and computational condensed matter physics, in the research group of Prof. Emily Carter and Dr. Mark Martirez.
I have a Ph.D. in Physics from Stony Brook University, where I specialized in computational and theoretical condensed matter theory. From August 2021 to June 2024, I was a CNLS Postdoctoral Fellow in the Theoretical Division (T-1) and the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
I work on applications of density functional theory, time-dependent density functional theory, and electronic structure. My recent focus has been on the physics of warm dense matter. My previous projects have involved aspects of quantum spin liquids, and I am broadly interested in quantum condensed matter theory.
Here is a brief bio, a description of my research, my publications, and talks.
- February 3, 2025: My paper with Dr. Alexander J. White, entitled, “Group Conductivity and Nonadiabatic Born Effective Charges of Disordered Metals, Warm Dense Matter and Hot Dense Plasma” has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters.
- October 9, 2024: I gave a talk entitled “Characterizing Electron Transport in Matter at the Extremes using Mixed Stochastic-Deterministic Density Functional Theory” at the APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting at Atlanta, GA.
- August 29, 2024: My paper with Dr. Alexander J. White, entitled, “Group Conductivity and Nonadiabatic Born Effective Charges of Disordered Metals, Warm Dense Matter and Hot Dense Plasma” was posted to the arXiv.
- July 1, 2024: I joined the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and Princeton University as an Associate Research Scientist, in the research group of Prof. Emily Carter and Dr. Mark Martirez.
- May 2, 2024: My paper jointly with collaborators, entitled “Review of the second charged-particle transport coefficient code comparison workshop,” was published in Physics of Plasmas Special Collection: Charged-Particle Transport in High-Energy Density Plasmas.
- April 10, 2024: My paper jointly with collaborators, entitled “Optical and transport properties of plasma mixtures from ab initio molecular dynamics,” was published in Physics of Plasmas Special Collection: Charged-Particle Transport in High-Energy Density Plasmas.
- March 25 – March 29, 2024: I attended the conference, “Current Challenges In The Physics Of White Dwarf Stars,” in Sante Fe, NM, and (co)-presented posters entitled “Mixed Stochastic-Deterministic Density Functional Theory for Electronic Transport in Matter in the Extremes,” and “Quantum Electronic Response in Warm Dense Matter and Hot Dense Plasmas.”
- March 4 – March 8, 2024: I attended the 2024 APS March Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, and gave a talk in Session D20: Matter at Extreme Conditions: Planetary Science and Warm Dense Matter (Focus Session) on March 4, 2024. Click here for an abstract.
- February 25 – March 1, 2024: I attended the 63rd Sanibel Symposium “The Theory Meeting for Theoreticians” and present a poster entitled “Mixed Stochastic-Deterministic Density Functional Theory for Electron Transport In Matter In The Extremes.” Click here for an abstract.
- December 27, 2023: My paper jointly with collaborators, entitled “Understanding Radiation Flow in a Stochastic Medium,” was posted to the arXiv.
- October 3, 2023: I attended the Nonequilibrium Phenomena and Nonadiabatic Dynamics Workshop in Telluride, CO and presented an invited talk entitled, “Exploring Photon-mediated Water Splitting On Perovskite Surfaces Using Accelerated Density Functional Theory Methods,” based on joint work with my collaborators at Los Alamos.
- August 1, 2023: My paper jointly with collaborators, entitled “Stochastic and mixed density functional theory within the projector augmented wave formalism for simulation of warm dense matter,” was published as a Letter in Physical Review E.
- July 24 – 27, 2023: I attended the Second Charged Particle Transport Coefficient Comparison Workshop in Livermore, CA and presented an invited talk entitled, “A Mixed Stochastic-Deterministic Density Functional Theory Approach To Extreme Conditions Physics,” based on joint work with my collaborators at Los Alamos.
- June 29 – July 8, 2023: I attended the 2023 TDDFT School & Workshop: Excited States And Dynamics at Rutgers Newark, NJ and presented a poster on my work.
- June 5 – 8, 2023: I attended the 2023 Excited State Processes workshop in Santa Fe, New Mexico and presented a poster on my work, which won the Best Poster Award.
- May 24, 2023: I presented a 30 minute invited talk at the 50th International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2023) in Session O-5.4 (Extreme States – Warm Dense Matter and High Energy Density Physics; Matter Under Extreme Conditions), entitled “Ab Initio Determination of Plasma Properties in the Warm Dense Matter Regime,” based on joint work with my collaborators at Los Alamos.
- May 8, 2023: My paper jointly with collaborators, entitled “Stochastic and Mixed Density Functional Theory within the projector augmented wave formalism for the simulation of warm dense matter,” was accepted for publication as a Letter in Physical Review E.
- January 27, 2023: My paper jointly with collaborators, entitled “Stochastic and Mixed Density Functional Theory within the projector augmented wave formalism for the simulation of warm dense matter,” was posted to the arXiv.
- July 14, 2022: My paper jointly with collaborators, entitled “Cooperative Interactions between Surface Terminations Explain Photocatalytic Water Splitting Activity on SrTiO3” was published in the inaugural volume of PRX Energy, as a highlighted article. A popular scientific exposition of the central idea appeared in a Synopsis article, entitled “The Brains and Brawn Behind Splitting Water.”
- January 31, 2022: My paper jointly with collaborators, entitled “Cooperative Interactions between Surface Terminations Explain Photocatalytic Water Splitting Activity on SrTiO3,” was posted to the arXiv.
- August 23, 2021: I joined Los Alamos National Laboratory, as a postdoc working in the Theoretical Division (T-1) and the Center for Nonlinear Studies.
- July 13-17, 2021: My upcoming work was presented at the in-person workshop entitled “Water: Grand Challenges for Molecular Science and Engineering,” held at Telluride Science Research Center.
- June 18, 2021: I defended my Ph.D. thesis, entitled “Density Functional Theory Studies of Water Structure and Photo-reactivity in Oxide materials” at Stony Brook University.