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Vidushi Sharma

Associate Research Scientist at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory


Welcome to my webpage. I am an Associate Research Scientist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and Princeton University, where I specialize in theoretical and computational condensed matter physics, in the research group of Prof. Emily Carter and Dr. Mark Martirez.

I have a Ph.D. in Physics from Stony Brook University, where I specialized in computational and theoretical condensed matter theory. From August 2021 to June 2024, I was a CNLS Postdoctoral Fellow in the Theoretical Division (T-1) and the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

I work on applications of density functional theory, time-dependent density functional theory, and electronic structure. My recent focus has been on the physics of warm dense matter. My previous projects have involved aspects of quantum spin liquids, and I am broadly interested in quantum condensed matter theory.

Here is a brief bio, a description of my research, my publications, and talks.
